
🐰 Alice in Wordland: Curiouser and Curiouser

Created by Drawlab

A word party game with a musical teapot for players ready to fall down the rabbit hole. New Kickstarter exclusive deluxe edition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Update- April 2023
about 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 04:45:43 AM

Hello everyone,

it's been a while since we updated you here, our apologies for this. 

We have taken steps moving forward with production and the core games of Alice in Wordland are currently produced. We are now wokring with our partners to get the printing done for the Curiouser & Curiouser expansion. Once this is done we will be shipping these all to our offices in Greece to pack them all together and then we'll begin the fulfilment, shipping the games to all of you. Once we have more info from our partners on when the Curiouser & Curiouser expansion will be ready we will be posting the new timeline. 

Thank you for your patience,

Drawlab Entertainment

Status Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 02:44:00 PM

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since we last posted here and for that we apologize. It has been an... interesting year with unique challenges that has caused us delaying the production. Some big hiccups in other projects delayed our timeline in ways we couldn't understand at the time.

We are now planning to start printing the games in November but unfortunately, we won't be able to ship them to you before the end of the year. 

Right now, we are arranging some final details with our distribution that will alter the size of the print run and as soon as we will complete this we will post a new update with the updated timeline! We believe the most realistic date to receive them is the first quarter of 2023.

We wish we were able to post better news but we will do our best to send you the games as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support

Drawlab Entertainment

Backerkit going live today! Complete your pledge manager to receive your rewards
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 08:42:38 PM

Hello lovely people,

it's been a few weeks since the end of our campaign and we have been working to prepare all files for production since then. We are almost there but, before that, we need to collect all the backer information to make sure we produce enough games for everyone! To get that, we have prepared our pledge manager, Backerkit.

What is Backerkit

Backerkit is a pledge manager, a 3rd party platform we use to know where to ship our games. You will receive an invitation later today (some already have!) asking you to complete it, providing us with your address and paying any shipping fees. 

In Backerkit you can also upgrade your pledge (last chance ever to get the Deluxe edition!) or get some sweet Add-Ons that we just created for you! Here is just a small idea of some new swag :)

We've made some new merch and we are also offering bundles of our other games. Check it out!

You can also find t-shirts, mugs, dice bags with the Alice in Wordland theme and bundles of our other games!

To do so, you need to follow our invitation link, sent to your email. 

Check out a handy guide we wrote for you about Backerkit here.

Let us know if you have any questions, we are always here to help!

Thank you for your support,

    Drawlab Entertainment

The campaign is over! Thank you all for your support
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 03:46:43 PM

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your support, either if you just joined or if you were with us since Day 1. 

Alice in Wordland Curiouser & Curiouser is now a reality thanks to you and we are super happy so many of you will have the Deluxe version!

What are the Next Steps

Now that the campaign is over, Kickstarter will try to take the money you pledged for from your credit cards. Usually, it happens right away but if it does not work, for some reason, it can take up to 2 weeks, during which Kickstarter will be (constantly but) politely reminding you to resolve it. Feel free to reach out to us directly to resolve this if you need any help.

After all the money is collected, we will be opening Backerkit, our pledge manager. On the pledge manager we will be asking for your addresses so that we can collect shipping fees and ship to you, your games. You will be able to add more copies or upgrade to a Deluxe version through Add-Ons there. 

After the pledge manager is closed (usually around a month later, depending on how fast you provide us your information) we will start the production! We will be keeping you updated on any major milestone during the production and when that's done, we will be sending you information about shipping! 

We will not be posting as much in the post campaign so don't expect weekly updates, but we will be working hard to make the games and ship them to you and we are always open to chat with you either in the comments section or on our Discord server.

Thank you once more for your support and for jumping down the rabbit hole with us!

     Drawlab Entertainment

This watch is exactly 2 days late! Entering the Final 48 hours
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 06:57:33 PM

Hey everyone, 

we are hours away from entering the final 48 hours of our campaign! 2 more days and the campaign will be over!

It's been a fun campaign to create and run and we thank you all for supporting it. As a final reward we are revealing our final Stretch Goals, including our favorite: the sugar pot upgrade at 17K.

We also wanted to take our time to appreciate all the reviewers that managed to create content for Alice in Wordland during the campaign. Here is a short glimpse:

A Tik Tok video full of puns

Check out Shearboardom TikTok here 

Quick How to Play Video

Check out I Play Red channel here 

Unboxing in Romanian

Check out Dor de lectură channel here 

A playthrough from the youngest reviewer and a surprise guest

Check out Come Play With E! channel here 

Today, we also saw a sudden jump of our project on Kicktraq, climbing a whooping 131 places in the Hottest Project rank, sitting currently in the 24th position. Help us climb even further by clicking the image below and then "Visit Project".

Click here to check out Kicktraq's cool stats and boost our project

That's all for today! Let's see how further the rabbit hole goes!

Thank you for your support

 Drawlab Entertainment